Rising Into Your Newly Expanded Co-Creative Roles
by April Bender (via Higher Self)
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Image created by Diane Alexander - Dragon Wing Images |
last discussed, an infusion of highly refined, crystalline
fire energy continues to saturate all local areas and/or
dimensional levels of creation in its current state of Quantum
Excitement or multi-dimensional potential.
While much has been energetically “impressed” or imprinted within these new energies by those holding and emanating master key codes / codes of light or Dweller Consciousness, (as accumulated by successfully passing or ascending through various levels of spiritual initiation / experience during what some refer to as the Light-Body-Process LBP), there is still much work to be done in terms of pulling those newly impressed energies and/or thought-forms through the etheric / astral / subtle fields of existence, to give them life as a newly manifested experience or REALITY within the physical.
While much has been energetically “impressed” or imprinted within these new energies by those holding and emanating master key codes / codes of light or Dweller Consciousness, (as accumulated by successfully passing or ascending through various levels of spiritual initiation / experience during what some refer to as the Light-Body-Process LBP), there is still much work to be done in terms of pulling those newly impressed energies and/or thought-forms through the etheric / astral / subtle fields of existence, to give them life as a newly manifested experience or REALITY within the physical.
Therefore, Act II of this cyclical and seasonal process (think of the arcs on an ascending spiral – and the whole spiral itself as this Grand Ascension Cycle) will afford you and others the opportunity to rise yet again (similarly to last Spring but on a higher arc) into newly expanded co-creative roles. For you are being called, as the creator gods we know you to be, to finish the job you started at the Solstice, and to ANCHOR, manifest, or pull-through into the physical, all that you've recently impressed or imprinted within the newly refined crystalline strata permeating Earth and her / your fields.
much like the threading of a needle, you've already designed, created
and pushed a fine new colorful thread (your hopes and dreams for the
new earth experience) through the eye of the needle, but now you must
reach around the other-side (or external view / action) to pull that
beautiful new thread fully through the eye-lit so that the needle
itself can become fully functional and in turn, give birth to new
forms of expression that are imbued with the qualities and
characteristics of that glorious new thread you constructed. In this
metaphor, YOU serve as the needle while the thread is symbolic of all
that you've imbued or co-created energetically up to this point with
your “impression” activities. The eye-lit serves as the nexus
point between your inner / outer worlds and their forms of
all is involved in your new role?
new role, if embraced, will require you to co-create and/or
express, in a physically tangible way, all that you've
been energetically impressing recently and have been encoded with.
Last year, I described this process as co-creative breath-work,
wherein all that you've inhaled through your inner spiritual senses
are synthesized (within body / mind) and then translated into the
outer world via some form of personal co-creation or expression
(out-breath). This is very much what is being asked of you again, but
at a higher or more advanced level of initiative.
than just service-to-others, your new role and that of others as
luminous nodal points across the Higher Collective Mind / Web
requires a service-to-ALL (the whole of creation) mentality, which
can only be found within the Master's (or adept's) purified heart and
seat / throne of divine empowerment (solar plexus/seed atom), which
when united or properly aligned dwell eternally in the frequency
bands of Unity / Christ / Buddhic / Atmic Consciousness.
Therefore, in service of such higher or expanded states of
consciousness, your new leadership role will require you and others
to: step outside of your comfort zone at times; to interact, partner,
and collaborate with others; to listen deeply, fully consider, and be
flexible with others; to have the faith and courage to go it alone at
times or to take risks; the vision and foresight to make connections
that weren't previously there and the voice to point them out to
others; an ability to view all opportunities and interactions as “new
and novel” so you don't inadvertently miss an opening or pass a
good thing by; and to have the initiative, creativity, and innovation
needed to keep the momentum / magnetization of the collective
spiraling onward and upward through the gates of ascension into a new
age of evolution of being / experience.
before you are endowed and ascend as full creator gods, many of you
must first learn to wear your leader hats and build up those leader
skill-sets (which some have been resisting), as well as let-go of any
lingering self-doubts or delusions. While some are and have been
doing quite beautifully with this throughout most of the overall
ascension process / cycle, there are many many more who have not done
as well as was possible. Especially those from the higher initiate,
Master, or adept pool. This is not meant as a criticism but one
answer (of several) to the question of “Why is the ascension
process taking so long?”
the full shift from solitary or secret mystic to master / teacher
to the complications and discomfort experienced during the worst and
last stages of the Light-Body Process (LBP) of personal ascension,
many Masters over the last few years have closed themselves off into
almost a hermit-like or anti-social existence, meaning they only get
out when necessary. While at one time this allowed you as it now
allows others who currently identify with this group, to more easily
cope and integrate the adjustments taking place within their body /
mind / spirit and to better anchor the energies into their
morphogenic fields thus aiding in Gaia and humanity's ascension in
various ways, it is now time for all Masters to rise up and engage
the world in a more direct and pro-active way, if they haven't
already. To re-find those voices they may have quieted for various
and valid reasons.
is important to understand that energy / light-work in and of itself
is simply not enough, not anymore! As it is only one critical part of
the equation. The second part is that of active love, unity,
cooperation and collaboration as manifested through the relational
aspects of physicality – as “the (spoken) word” and its
vibrations and / or through works by “thine own hands” that
others somehow engage with or experience. After all, this is how
physical worlds are created and / or destroyed. Don't you see how
just by speaking aloud as your authentic, empowered, whole divine
self you can literally build new worlds / experiences of reality
through its sound, one vibrational ripple at a time? Imagine if
you're all out there doing it in pockets together, whether its
online, in a living room, a staff meeting, grocery store, local park
or protest lot, etc...? And even more potent is the manifestation of
works by “thine own hands,” as you well know. Made in even more
potent, when collaboratively co-created.
those that continue to bemoan the fact that ascension has not yet
happened in it's full glory I must ask, “And what are you doing
physically in your everyday earthly experience to make that happen?
Are you truly giving it your all? Or are you limiting yourself by
allowing yourself to wallow in all that you perceive as wrong as an
excuse for inaction or very little action or expression? Or are you
simply unsure of where to begin?” Again this is not a criticism or
an attempt to cast blame but a gentle request for honest
self-assessment. What is it that is holding some of you back from
serving in the capacity that you know you came here to serve in? Are
you perhaps discouraged by the pace of collective progress or by the
way you've been treated in the past? If so, try shifting your
perspective a little and you'll see that the masses are much more
ready than you might give them credit for. Also remember, mass
ascension is not about dragging everyone into the light – it is
about restoring balance first and foremost, so try and meet or see
people at that level. See, now the job doesn't seem quite so daunting
does it? It's also a much different time energetically now as you
well know and you must trust that it's safe and the right time to
take action, that your energies will be much better received.
and connections are and will continue to arise as a natural
consequence of all Master “impression” or quantum energy work
within and across the Collective Higher Mind, as well as impulses
coming from the Great Central Sun. So quite literally, others will be
drawn to you and you to them for various collaborative reasons (or
one could call it a “strategic pooling of resources” for maximum
must also trust that as you engage on a physical level, your internal
energy stores / fluctuations will actually level out and you'll feel
physically better because you'll be expressing outward or continuing
to move all the energy you take in, back out. If you don't do this on
a regular basis, you run the risk of drowning in the energies and
that of all those around you. I cannot stress how important the
out-breath is to not only the realization of the New Age but also to
your overall physical health and well-being. If after a good
co-creative out-breath you are still feeling ill or uncomfortable,
examine your diet. Notice the things you are taking into your body on
a physical, mental and emotional level. You may need to purify more
to allow space for the newly refined crystalline energies. We are at
the point now in the ascension process that aside from discomfort
experienced due to external stimuli (solar flares, geomagnetic shifts
/ fluctuations, massive energy inductions, etc...) you should not be
feeling everyday ascension symptoms – unless you are still
attempting to carry too much baggage with you. Oftentimes, a slight
shift or change in diet, perspective, or attitude can make all the
look specifically at your own personal journey for a moment. Last
year, you were prompted to create this blog as part of your physical
out-breath. While you were heartily congratulated for having taken
the initiative of coming out of your hermit hut and sharing my
messages with a broader audience, there were several other important
opportunities later in the year that you almost missed out on due to
you reacting out of old fear-based patterns and your inability
because of that fear, to clearly see the connection between the
proposed opportunities and the Divine Plan. Paradoxically this
happened even as you were gaining confidence and a new sense of
empowerment as a result of the blog. Because of this lack of
confidence or fear / anxiety, you found ways psychologically to try
and defeat these opportunities before you ever gave them a chance.
And sure, many of your reasons were based on valid past experience
but that's just it – life is not full of meaningless
repetition – everything happens for a reason and therefore
each separate instance or interaction should be taken as completely
new and novel, even if it strongly reminds you of a previous
experience! It is in this way that you will learn to transcend
lingering conditioned patterns within self that hold you back from
seeing the larger picture at times, and hence missing important
opportunities. Unless red flags go up (in that case fully trust your
intuition), you have to learn to let go of the past – and what I'm
speaking of is much greater than specific events, circumstances, or
people but lasting cellular and ancestral memories that include
imprints of feelings of fear, alienation, or vulnerability. Luckily,
as a result of all your hard work over the years, you were able to
overcome your feelings of trepidation by recognizing them for what
they were – irrelevant mirages of something experienced long ago,
and the almost missed opportunities themselves turned out to be truly
remarkable once-in-a-lifetime experiences that did have an impact to
some degree or another, on the manifestation of the Divine Plan even
though you couldn't see the connection in the beginning.
that I mean this in the gentlest of ways when I say that before you
or anyone can become a full fledged ascended master and creator god,
you must first master those things that trip you up the most as part
of your own personal reconciliation
/ reclamation process. For some Masters like yourself, it's tiny
little memory fragments of fear, alienation, or vulnerability that
are coming up for final mastery or resolution, for others it will be
fragments of arrogance, pride, vanity and / or self-preservation. But
know, as a collective of Masters, you are very close to achieving
full actualization of self / collective mastership – and that is
why these last little remaining lessons are part and parcel of the
challenge inherent in rising into your newly expanded leadership
roles. It is of course, a litmus test of sorts and how well you are
able to achieve mastery / resolution will determine how much success
you achieve in your creative or expressive endeavors concerning the
ushering in of a new age of experience on Earth, as well as greatly
influencing how many more revolutions or arcs of the spiral up, will
be needed.
those Masters who have been doing well at this all along and who
haven't held any part of themselves back in the process, I say
congratulations! And be prepared to see more opportunities, a rise in
visibility, and expansions to the work that you are already doing.
Keep an eye out for new connections, opportunities, and collaborative
partners for many of those will be headed your way as nodal points
(Masters) are magnetized more and more toward each other. These new
or deepening partnerships could also include otherworldly /
interdimensional beings, so be open to that possibility as well.
Also, be prepared to re-frame or re-create some of the work you've
already done in a way that attracts more people / souls / potential
partners to you. While you may or may not be thrust upon the world's
stage (depending upon the soul), your roles will expand dramatically
the first half of this year. The major theme or energetic thrust
overall being one of cooperation, collaboration, partnership and
trust. For it is truly time for the siloed work to begin to shift and
open up into more collaborative collective works. This is the next
natural progression to fully actualizing the Higher Collective Mind /
Web as the node (Masters) begin to pool their energies and efforts in
service of actualizing the Divine Plan on Earth.
those Master's who have only just begun sharing their divine
authentic selves with the world in the last 1-3 years, I say it's
time to kick things up a notch! The energies are more than with you,
if you but follow to where they beckon, all things (opportunities,
fun collaborations, new friends and a greater sense of fulfillment)
await! Not to mention the inner peace that will begin to envelope
you, just from finally being able to be express and BE your true
authentic self. Now is the time for joyful, uplifting and inspiring
co-creation all in service of the Divine Plan. It is a time of not
holding any parts of self back. It's time to share your heart and
your energy with the world in a much more direct, authentic and
therefore fulfilling way. It's time to step more fully away from the
solitary mystic or practitioner role and more fully into a master /
teacher role, if one has not done so already.
one has to do is follow their natural passions, interests, skills,
and ideal methods of self-expression. Therein will lie the answer of
how and where to get started or where to consider expanding current
efforts. Rest assured that all realms of the physical provide
opportunities to help bring some sense of unity consciousness, love,
and greater awareness into. Your heart will also tell you which
aspect you most want to be involved in. Start small or start big,
alone or with friends, at your job, home or local community, the
choice is up to you. You may also find that a bit more inner-work is
needed before you are comfortable taking this next step. But for
those who are more than capable and who have allowed themselves to
linger on the sidelines (in terms of physical activity / expression),
they can no longer allow themselves to linger in self-doubt or be
stubborn any longer! Some must also stop comparing themselves to
others who are already more established or practiced in co-creation /
expression, because project ascension Earth is not about fame,
recognition or elevating oneself over others – it is about uniting
ALL in a more balanced state or experience of harmony. Therefore,
your unique expressions are needed to reach certain souls or
transform certain settings just as much as those who are already
established and make this sort of thing look easy. For ALL are
needed. And remember, practice does make perfect. Also, rest assured
that whatever capacity you are able to provide will be just fine to
start. All that is important is that you set the most important
intention to be of active service to the whole in some outward sense,
and the rest will over time fall into place as long as you stay
patient, open to opportunities (in whatever form they take), take the
initiative at times, and believe in yourself. Each and every soul who
reads this has something important to contribute and in a way that
only he / she can. So see to it!
are being asked to rise confidently into your newly expanded
co-creative roles and to do so in a way that showcases your divine
servant-leadership abilities. But in order to do so, some of you will
have to reconcile and reclaim those last lingering fragments that up
until now, have held you back. And therein lies the test / initiation
- for there is no such thing as a successful half-hearted leader. You
must be ALL IN and take the leap of faith that your new leadership
roles will require! As the front-runners and nodal points of
connection / information / and flow along and within the Higher
Collective Mind, you must be nothing less than spectacular with your
efforts even if at first you don't see the results you're looking
for. Instead stand tall and have faith that very very soon you will.
Infuse the mind / web with your physical out-breaths as well as with
your beautiful light / energy work. For both these inner and outer
movements or breaths are critical.
make no mistake, this entire movement is to be orchestrated as a
movement from “me” or the individual to “we” the collective,
and it starts with a deepening and expansion of the networking and
collaborative co-creation efforts of the Masters working together
along and within the Higher Collective Mind.
that you need to be successful and to fully rise into your newly
expanded roles is at your disposal. Some of you will rise to the
occasion more naturally and gracefully than others and that's ok.
It's just important that you do in whatever capacity you are able.
And no worries, those who are able to rise or have already risen to
the level of master / teacher will be there to help you find your
footing on this most upper rung of active engagement, and in truth
their support of you will be part of their final initiation / test.
tried to structure this message to reflect the various levels of
Mastership reflected in the front and second runner groups. For what
the leading edge of Masters experience or are called to step /
initiate into first, so too shall be called from the second tier or
rung of awakened light workers, and so on. Therefore each group must
not only work within their current level of development peer or soul
group but must also turn to the other soul groups coming in or rising
right behind them in spiritual development and extend their hands and
support to give them a lift up. It is as a result of this type of
lateral and vertical cooperation that mass ascension will be
realized. All soul groups and their lineages must be rewoven back
into the fabric of Gaiac experience. And this is the final glorious
task that lies before you.
rise fiercely and confidently into your newly expanded roles, for we
cannot wait to see what you shall manifest together as new earth
creator gods! And as a result of your good efforts, be prepared to
witness the miraculous this year, for many new and exciting things
are in store for you! But you already know this, because you
“impressed” them.
next time...
Great Post, I had my sudden awakening in Dec 2013 with out of body experiences, feeling energy, traveling via Merkaba, seeing energy, seeing lightbeings/angels, etc. Had a vision of our brother Jesus on a cloud in the sky (looked like a lightbeing/humanbeing) as a child. I came to KNOW that all of humanity would be eventually ascending from 3rd to 5th Dimension Unity Consciousness. After an Akashic Reading, I found out that I am here to help with correcting timelines so that ALL of Humanity will make it. I took last year off from working to process this--which is completely normal.. NOW, I am wanting to return to the outside world, but I have no idea how. I was teaching as a special education teacher and I feel that I need/or should lead a spiritual life with the energy I have in my hands. Any guidance, suggestions, ideas. I know that all is with inside of me...This has been truly those most liberating and yet unsettling experience of my 46 years on this realm. Still too new for me but very excited. Much love and light, Jennifer
ReplyDeleteDear Jennifer, thank you so very much for sharing a little personal background with me. While the timing of our spiritual awakening was different, many of the things / experiences you mentioned completely resonate with. I'm so glad you were able to take a year off to really reflect and integrate everything that came through for you during that year. It sounds like you are very clear now on your purpose for being here, which is the first big hurdle. You know when I read that you used to be a special education teacher I had to smile. You are to be commended for your service in such capacity, while very challenging I'm sure, it's critical that those kids have someone like you to guide and support them. Have you considered the possibility that the opening your looking for might be back there? Now that you are clear on purpose, perhaps you could bring an entirely new dimension to that work. It might interesting for you to consider further developing your capacity as a healer, as that would be a wonderful skill-set for you to use in that environment. Who knows, maybe your spiritual insights could also be used to formulate a new, ground-breaking curriculum for them. Or maybe you feel like doing something entirely new, in which case it will be important to set the intention with self, HS, and God / Universe / Source that you are open and wanting to serve in a different capacity. However, I would still consider the fact that for some reason your were drawn to teaching, and I would bet it's because you have a natural aptitude or passion for it. So maybe what you're looking for is a hybrid of old / new that will allow you more opportunities to serve in a bigger way. Really the best advice I can give you is to search your heart. What do you feel called to do, in a general sense? Then reflect on your skill-sets and passions, those things that you have to offer and imagine how they might be utilized in whatever you feel called to do or participate in. Another idea might be to start volunteering or joining local community groups. If you have a strong connection with Higher Self, he/she can help you sort a lot of this out as well. Don't panic if the answer doesn't appear right away - sometimes it takes a little time for universe to move things / people into place for you.
DeletePlease keep me posted on your progress as I am excited and curious to see where you land. And if you ever want to chat privately, feel free to connect with me via the site Contact Form. I am always happy to chat with my brothers / sisters in light.
Much love and light,
Thank you so much April, this so spoke to me today! Appreciate you, blessings!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Julie! Much love to you.
DeleteThanks April, I'm so joyful to share this message... a big higher-self high-five! Dieter
Dear April,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this perfectly timed affirmation and gentle encouragement to stay the course now, and continue moving ever more boldly from our hearts. Wonderful to be following this path with you and all our fellow Lightworkers during this amazing time.
Dear Rose,
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting April's Airings! I'm was delighted to read your affirmation of my HS message. Feedback is always helpful and very much appreciated! I also am proud to walk beside you sister on this most amazing and sacred journey. I keep seeing this image in my mind's-eye of a celestial megaphone with an angel bellowing "Lightworker Mobilization!" And your comment made me think of it again, lol.
I hope you come back and visit April's Airings again.
Love and Light,
Thank you for this message dear April! I've been wondering about the meaning of a sentence:
ReplyDelete"All soul groups and their lineages must be rewoven back into the fabric of Gaiac experience. And this is the final glorious task that lies before you."
Can you please explain what it means?
Yes dear Zoltan,
ReplyDeleteMore conscious access to or integration of their memories, codes, information - and above all the consciousness to connect and communicate with them. Our (humanity's) natural state. Soul / star groups = your multidimensional ancestry / heritage and/or soul familial associations.